Monday, December 31, 2007
Looking Back at 2007
So, with no further ado:
Unemployment in Ohio will rise above 6%. Unemployment in October reached 5.9%, with November at 5.6%. We won't get December numbers until next month, but I'm going to call this one a qualified sort-of...
No border fence with Mexico. Nope, don't see one yet. *ding*
Hillary will wait before announcing her candidacy. *buzz* I admit, I missed this one. And look where it's gotten her - a big early boost, followed by falling numbers that may cost her in Iowa.
No ground will be broken on new arena. Missed this one by a couple of months - and was feeling quite secure with winter coming on.
Fees on garbage pickup. A big *ding* on this one. And to think, the "temporary" 3/4% income tax hasn't been repealed.
Erie Street Market to remain closed. In all fairness, has anyone realized it is open? Look for a possible resolution to this money pit from City Council on Jan. 2. (yeah, right)
Steam Plant shows not sign of progress. Can I get a "whoop whoop"? Well, the David and Jimmy Show sure did, with new tax credits!
Southwyck Mall remains on It is still listed as a "museum." *ding*
Blade labor dispute to last several months. The issue lasted into July - I do believe that qualifies. *ding*
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
UN Day
Just in case anyone wonders why I have a problem with the UN, please remember the following:
- Oil for Kofi's Son
- The World Bank Scandal
- Indifference to genocide in Rwanda.
- Rape of women and children by UN employees.
- Condoning the turnover of North Korean refugees back to Lil' Kim by China.
- Sexual Harrassment of UN employees.
The US provides more of the funding for the UN by far, and yet we are the largest target in their eyes. All the while the "diplomats" flaunt our laws and claim immunity. As far as I'm concerned, the US should withhold all monies until the members of the UN pay their NYC parking tickets. I figure the total should wash out a couple of years dues.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Smokeless in Toledo
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday Quote 7-13-07
Robert Burns, Scottish Poet
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Rules for Comments
- Comments must be intelligent, and based on the subject at hand (no wandering off the topic of the post.)
- Posts with factual backup stand a much better chance of being included. So, cite your source. (Note to liberals: is not a source of facts.)
- Irrational, emotion driven posts will be trashed.
- The only one allowed to hold a flame-thrower on this field is myself - you can disagree with me, or another commenter, but no trashing. Please note the the McCain-Finegold-Kennedy-Clinton exception.
- Words mean things, please know the meaning of a word before you use it. If you are unsure, check
- Brevity is the sole of wit. No 6 page dissertations please.
This is not an exhaustive list, but it hits the highlights of the more recent additions to the garbage can. Remember, my field, my ball, my rules - I don't edit posts, I just trash them.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Empowerment Comes Only in Certain Forms
I find this interesting, given the YWCA's stance on abortion. In fact, according to their own position paper, the organization "has been an advocate for reproductive rights and freedoms," and "adopted a “freedom of choice” position in 1967 at the YWCA National Convention following an extensive debate by the nearly 1,000 delegates from local associations all over the country." (Emphasis mine) If a woman has the choice of what to do with her body where abortion is concerned, why does this not extend to the acts that lead to the abortion? Looks like a double standard to me.
Friday, July 6, 2007
The Blade Weighs In on One Party Rule
In short, the era of one-party rule is over. The art of compromise is again a valued part of the legislative process, and the people of Ohio are likely to be better served from a policy standpoint.
Why is it, I wonder, why what's good for the state isn't good for the city and county?
Thursday, July 5, 2007
The Ugly American - Only When Republican
The newspaper and Ms. Kaptur are insisting on police protection for organizers, in a country rife with crime and social problems. So, why should these organizers be any different than Mexican citizens. If it is because they come from the US, or because the union is a major supporter of Ms. Kaptur?
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Friday Quote, 7-4-07
- George Washington, President of the United States
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Calling the RINO on the carpet.
Talking Trash
The New Portside
To the paper's credit, they make the point that the market must draw folks away from the "strip malls or suburban markets." While it's true that you can't offer the same thing as a supermarket, or a strip mall, and expect people to come downtown, that's the very reason the market is doomed to fail.
Once upon a time, shopping malls were a prospering entity across the nation. Record stores, pharmacies, curio shops, and the inevitable Spencer's were ready to serve people from all walks of life, offering in one convenient place most everything outside of groceries and durable goods. Then, along came a little invention we'll call "W-cubed." Withing a few years, the speciality markets that made up so much of the mall were gone, marketing their goods on-line and reducing their overhead at the same time. As more demands were made on people's time, driving to a mall, finding parking, and walking around to get that new cassette (what came before CD's for all you children out there) just wasn't possible. As a result, stores pulled out, and malls went under. The only malls that are succeeding today are those catering to an upscale market - with convenient parking and proactive security. Only those with the time and money to browse are going to make a fiscal success possible. That demographic doesn't want to surf online to find their goods, and are unconcerned about the price tag, so a high overhead is not such a great concern.
Such was the atmosphere Portside entered into. While attempting to bank on "unique" items, the fiscal reality was that the rent per square foot was beyond the ability of any store to pay. The reason everyone expected Portside to succeed? The convention center was going to bring hordes of people downtown. Did it happen? Well, even COSI is failing fiscally there - and this is a genuine "family" attraction. Portside lacked convenient parking, and the upscale lady of the home didn't feel safe going downtown.
The Erie Street Market will not succeed unless there is a residential foundation in the vicinity. Poor parking will not allow for the numbers needed to succeed there marketing in a strip-mall fashion. Trying to thrive on "unique" items will lead the market down the path of Portside - stores will be competing with on-line companies to sell to the masses, and the elite don't want to fight the traffic, parking, and hassle of downtown, not when there are other options.
The only thing that the Erie Street Market has going for it are good intentions, and the wallets of Toledo. While good intentions are nice, they don't pay the bills. Sadly, until the leaders of Toledo are willing to shoot the horse with the broken leg, the citizens will have to saddle up and pay the vet.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
New Thompson T-Shirt
Makes me wish I had thought of that one first.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Friday Quote 06-22-07
- Marge Simpson
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Blade Editor Donates to Dem Campaigns
Hmmm. Bradley edits the news portion of the paper - and if I remember correctly, the Blade took a very pro-Kerry stance in both news and editorial coverage. When an editor is taking the step of a political donation, you might well call his objectivity into question. And we all know that the local piddle-paper has never had a problem with objectivity.
Perhaps we should extend the fairness doctrine to newspaper editors' political donations.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Friday Quote 05-04-07
- John Jay, Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Friday Quote 04-27-07
- Millard Fillmore, 13th President of the United States.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The War on Choice
Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Comrade Ted has declared war on the Pro-Choice faction of
Comrade Ted has declared that they only “choice” you have is limited to selecting your school board. Don’t get me wrong, the school board choice is extremely important, and kudos to Maggie Thurber and Lisa Renee for their board project. But, even if you get every board member you want, the courts and state legislature take a large degree of control away from the local boards – mandating education of some theories (evolution for example) and forbidding the teaching of others. I suppose your choice doesn’t really extend to education after all, only the choice of the liberal elite matters.
Furthermore, why is
For those of you about to suggest that the issue is “means-testing,” the Governor stated his opposition, quite clearly, to the use of “public dollars” in any private institution. I wonder, does the State of
If this was really about reducing monies to the schools, let’s take a look at that. Reducing funding to the schools, according to Comrade Ted, will reduce the amount available to educate students. In other words, it would reduce the number of dollars per student. Unfortunately for Comrade Ted, that isn’t the case (perhaps he had the benefit of public school education). The voucher does not pay out more than a private or parochial school’s tuition – which is less than the amount appropriated for the same student in the public school system. Thus, while the total dollars are reduced, so is the student count – and effectively raising the funding per student to the public schools. If you doubt that private schools spend less, compare their tuition rates to the amount spent per student by TPS.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Monday, April 23, 2007
One Flew Over the Crow's Nest.
For those who don’t understand why those on the right don’t let celebrities run their lives, I present: Cheryl Crow. “All I want to do is have some fun” Crow was joined by pseudo-celeb Laurie David for a two-week bus tour of college campuses, declaring war on “Global Warming.” Whilst on the road, Cheryl blogged some of her solutions. April 19th produced some of the most mind-bending ideas yet.
First, Cheryl advocated using one piece of toilet paper per use, excepting “hose pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required.” Perhaps the amount of crap leaving her mouth is reducing the level from her rear, but those of us who actually live life require a bit more than a single piece of see-through, recycled tissue paper. Her brother advocated “washing out” you own, personal piece. Here’s a clue: we’ve already invented this – it’s a cloth diaper. I invite Cheryl and her family to try it sometimes (and no using the help to wash it out, either.)
Then, in an attempt to save the “virgin wood” (apparently we’re cutting down the original trees grown by Mother Earth herself), Cheryl advocates eliminating paper napkins. Her solution, a removable “dining sleeve.” Now, one can fashionably wipe one’s mouth on their clothes, and then remove them for laundering. They would also be useful “to those suffering with an annoying head cold.” I can’t wait until she comes to town, I’m putting her idea to the test right before shaking her hand - I suppose she’s never heard of germ theory. Does anyone know how much energy it will take to wash all those dining sleeves? And are these sleeves going to be made with synthetic fibers, produced from oil products? If anyone wants to suggest hemp, I remind you of
I will say, however, Cheryl saved the best for last. Her proposal – a reality show rewarding the person who “lives the ‘greenest’ life” would receive a recording contract! American Idol look out (I can hear Simon’s knees shaking as I write). We all know that living a “green” lifestyle equates to vocal talent – even if the lifestyles of these crazies and rock stars are similar (think of shower habits). On second thought, perhaps this is a good idea – it might drive the last nail in the coffin of reality shows.
Cheryl, shut up and sing. Thinking isn’t your strong suit.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Friday's Quote 4-17-07
What at first was plunder assumed the softer name of revenue.
- Thomas Paine, Pamphleteer
Monday, April 16, 2007
Local Dem Opposes "Flip-Flops"
On Friday, Lindsay Webb launched her campaign against Joe Birmingham by complaining that he “flip-flopped” in his position on the trash fee proposed by Carty Finkbeiner. While I have no problem with taking Mr. Birmingham to task for his position on raising taxes, I do find it a bit interesting for Ms. Webb’s approach. According to a Blade article, Ms. Webb criticized Joe for “voting for the tax after saying he opposed it.” I’m sure she voted for President Bush in the last election – he didn’t “flip-flop” on the war issue.
Even more interesting was the presence of Mark Sobczak at her press-conference. Mr. Sobczak could be accurately described as having “flip-flopped” on the issue of conflict of interest regarding the trash tax. I’m still waiting to see the position paper given to Mr. Sobczak which stated that voting for a fee that would benefit an organization he personally profits from is not a conflict of interest. I suppose that if one sold short pharmaceutical stocks, then announced a plan to nationalize the entire health-care industry (allowing one to personally profit), one might run for president.
In any event, I’m looking forward to Ms. Webb laying out her outline for the budget – one that doesn’t include new taxes. Somehow, however, I don’t think I’ll be hearing any concrete plans. And there is the real tragedy, a political sub-party playing on our fears (where have I heard that before) of new taxes to get elected. Upon gaining power, sadly, they continue to drive up spending and taxes, and sending those who can fleeing from the city. The only flip
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Friday, April 13, 2007
Why It's Easier to be a Liberal (part 2)
Another one of the great hallmarks of liberals is their lack of consistency. To some extent, this is true of all politicians, but the liberal leadership has it in spades. It is much easier to skate through life when your position can change from minute to minute. Conservatives find this much harder, the base holds them to their position. President Bush campaigned one way on the issue of illegal immigration, ask him about the support he received from conservatives when he proposed a modified form of amnesty.
When you don't have to stick to a single position on a broad issue, you're free to pander to the political group of the moment, and proclaim agreement with a differing position the very next day. Liberals refer to this process as "triangulation," and seek it in their candidates for high office. Thanks to an obliging mainstream media, liberals are seldom called to the carpet - even when their very words show them to be guilty of hypocrisy. Think I'm crazy? Let's look at a few examples.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Why It's Easier to be a Liberal (part 1)
I recently had someone pose me the question, “Why would anyone want to be a liberal? There’re wrong on nearly everything, and they’re always so miserable.”
The answer: it is easier to be liberal than conservative. You can almost hear the voices now; “it…is…not…. It’s hard to… be concerned... about the bunnies.” Well, sorry to burst your bubbles, but it isn’t hard. In fact, there’s nothing hard about being a liberal – excepting the occasional hair pulling every time a conservative makes a fool of you in front of others. I know that you liberals feel bad when that happens, and this leads me to my first point.
To be a liberal, one feels instead of thinks. The basis for liberal arguments is rooted in emotion, not logic. Logic requires the application of rational thought, hard evidence, and critical attention to detail. Feeling requires whatever base emotion that touches one. Logic requires that to find a solution, one must prove what the cause is; feeling needs only correlating evidence. Logic requires one to train the mind, and be versed in the area of discussion. Emotion is instinctive, acquired at birth, and requires no extensive training.
If you don’t believe liberals use emotion instead of logic, watch how many times they start their arguments with “I feel.” If you “think” a particular way about a subject, you open yourself to questions on the data that backs your thoughts up. But, the way you “feel” cannot be challenged. Ever wonder why self-esteem is more important than math in your local school? Liberals want feelers, not thinkers.
The act of the personal attack is also sign one lacks intelligence, or the facts gained through observation, to back up one’s position. Try to discuss racial preferences with a liberal; get labeled a racist. Take a stand against gay marriage, you’re a homophobe. The fact that these responses to a position on issues resonate with libs indicates we’re dealing with the product of a dumbed-down educational system.
Next time: Liberal consistency.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Friday's Quote 3-16-07
- Ronald Reagan, US President
Pro-Choice Doesn’t Extend to Education

The inconvenient facts about Ted’s position on abortion are all too clear. While serving in Congress, the governor voted several times in favor of governmental funding of abortions, and even federal funding of research into the “abortion pill.” He has received unquestioning support from NARAL, and he has promised to veto any pro-life legislation that comes from our state representatives.
In addition, Comrade Ted received a 100% rating from the NEA, and was heartily endorsed by the teachers’ unions. Those unions have a long-standing opposition to private and religious schools, or any competition to a state-sponsored monopoly on education – a monopoly that would insure their jobs regardless of ability. So, political payback required the governor to being quickly to remove the biggest sources of competition to our failing school system – private and religious schools.
I find it interesting that the governor heartily endorses using my taxpayer dollars to fund something I’m against – abortion, but wishes to deny it for something to which liberals object. And before quoting the First Amendment at me, I heartily suggest everyone re-read that one – there is no “wall of separation”, excepting that the government shall mandate no religion on the people. (In fact, this phrase derives from a letter from Jefferson to Danbury, Connecticut, Baptists.) Red Ted also plans on eliminating the ability of for-profit companies to run charter schools. Because we all know that for-profit companies will compete to gain more students (hence profits), and in order to compete they might well provide a superior education at a lower price than their public school counterparts.
My recommendation to our Komissar? Let citizens carry their own tax dollars to the school of their choice. If parents want to take their children to private school, why should they continue to pay double? Introduce more competition to the schools, not less – competition drives excellence, no matter what the self-styled experts at the American Psychological Association (the same folks who published an article claiming adult-child sex isn’t harmful) say. After all, isn’t this all about the children? How can we, in good conscience, deny them the education they deserve – instead of the one that the government has been giving them?
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Bankruptcy and Suburban Emergency
When the city finally succeeds in running the ambulance companies out of town, one important question will remain. What will the suburbs do? Sylvania, Oregon, and other townships under the local 911 service will not have private ambulance service to turn to in an emergency situation. This will leave them with two choices: create ambulance service themselves or contract with the City of Toledo to handle their ambulance services.
I’m sure Emperor Carty and others in One Overlord Center are licking their chops at the prospect of providing emergency transport services, at inflated prices, to the suburbs. The great question will come when; there is a shortage of ambulances, which will get service first – a Toledoian who may not have insurance, or someone in Sylvania resident who is paying an inflated rate. Everyone outside of the city ought to pay close attention to this issue, it affects you more than has been reported.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
City Council Pulls the Plug on Local Business
Well, looking deeper into the plans reveals a key items The vast majority of the ambulance service will be in west and south Toledo, with minimal ambulance service on the east side and in the central city. By concentrating on the wealthier portions of the city, instead of where the majority of emergency runs come from, the city is cherry picking the profitable runs, without having to cover the costs of the runs that gross little or no funding – those without insurance to cover the ambulance run cost. So, in reality, while taking 40% of the runs, the city plans to take a much higher percentage of the revenue away from private business.
Executives of the major ambulance companies in the city have announced cuts, and in one instance, the potential of moving their headquarters outside of the city. According to them, the city is not friendly to business. Welcome to Toledo, folks – ask the people over at Costco, Rite Aid, and the Pharm – they’ll tell you that Toledo hasn’t been friendly to business for years. Unless, of course, you’re a failing automotive company – then you get free land (stolen from citizens), tax abatements, and hugs and kisses from the administration. I heartily recommend that these companies withdraw all service from the city in emergency services – and begin your cutbacks immediately. Keep a minimal staff to service your private health care contracts, but no sense waiting for the axe to fall. After all, if the city provides such high quality care (like the quality one gets from every other city department) it makes no sense to wait – let the people of Toledo get their Cadillac ambulances immediately. After all, what’s a few hundred jobs.
It is also my understanding that the billing portion of our ambulance service will be contracted out – and a RFP was issued before City Council voted. If so, is this added expense already considered in the yearly planned $600K? Somehow, I think that this is a hidden line-item. Is the $200K for ambulance lease included? I’m no fortune teller, but I suspect that a new emergency services fee” will be included on our property taxes – right next to the trash pickup fee.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Oh, My Aching Poll...
- It is your contention that this article will make your job harder. Where in the job description of Mayor does it state that the job will always be easy?
- Should articles that speak poorly of the administration not be run by the newspapers and other media? Or just articles and reports that question your pet programs? Do you think that such restrictions qualify as censorship and violate the First Amendment?
- Did you complain that the Blade was attacking Republican candidates prior to the primary and general elections, attempting to link every candidate with Tom Noe without a shred of proof?
- Have you complained that the national (and local) media have constantly harped about the President’s declining approval numbers while he is attempting to put down a terrorist insurgency (does it effect his “ability to govern”)? If so, is it because you only disapprove of attacks against yourself, but approve of attacks against your political opponents – and is this fair?
- Do you think that the Blade’s stance on Republican and conservative candidates discourages new political talent, with new ideas, from running? If it does, do you disprove of it?
- Will you now ban Blade reporters in the same manner you banned reporters from WSPD?
I cheerfully invite Mayor Finkbeiner to answer these questions, and will be happy to publish such – in the interests of fairness. But, I’m not holding my breath.
Friday, March 9, 2007
A Father-Daugher Talk
A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat, and was very much in favor of the redistribution of wealth.
She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had participated in, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harbored an evil, selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his. One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and the addition of more government welfare programs. The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to be the truth & she indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing in school. Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn't even have time for a boyfriend, and didn't really have many college friends because she spent all her time studying.
Her father listened and then asked, "How is your friend Audrey doing?"
She replied, "Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies, and she barely has a 2.0 GPA. She is so popular on campus; college for her is a blast. She's always invited to all the parties, & lots of times she doesn't even show up for classes because she's too hung over."
Her wise father asked his daughter, "Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to deduct a 1.0 off your GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0. That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA."
The daughter, visibly shocked by her father's suggestion, angrily fired back, "That wouldn't be fair! I have worked really hard for my grades! I've invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!"
The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, " Welcome to the Republican Party."
Friday's Quote 3-9-07
- Victor Hugo, French Author
Thursday, March 8, 2007
The Real "Cash Cow"
What should be alarming to the public school system is not that parents are transferring their children in order to get vouchers, but rather that they so want to escape TPS, that they’re willing to sacrifice 2 years of their children’s education in order to obtain a better one. With about 5% of the eligible students taking vouchers in the first year of the program, Toledo outpaces districts around the country offering vouchers for failing schools. Apparently, even in the “non-failing” schools, the students are not learning enough – an indictment against the system as a whole.
Parents are fleeing public schools for private centers of learning where far less is spent each year per student. Yet, the only solution to the problem, according to both the teachers and the administration, is more money. If money were really the solution, than our students would lead the world, yet nothing is farther from the truth. Instead, parents are sending their children to locations where dedicated teachers (making far, far less money than their public-school counterparts) teach to a level above the minimum. To criticize the parents for doing anything possible to make sure their children receive the best possible education is insane – the sort of insanity that can only be propagated by a socialist-type school system. And in such a system, the cream doesn’t rise to the top, it is spoiled by the sour milk.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Dr. Grossman and the Fat Crusade
Since the government is now in the business of regulating otherwise legal product use, the total regulation of what you can eat in restaurants shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Trans-fats are just the trend of the day. I’m sure we can expect to hear that the government is not interested in approving menus – just like they weren’t interested in banning smoking on anything but domestic flights in 1988 and 1989. In the next 10 years, expect to walk into an eatery, step on a scale, and be handed the menu you are allowed to choose from.
The city’s Director of Economic Development should be screaming at the mayor – oh, that’s right, the mayor IS the director. Let’s face facts; limiting the menus will help drive those customers away who survived the smoking purge. Last time I checked, the local taverns haven’t exactly seen a surge of non-smokers packing the place since the ban was instituted – despite the assurances of the local anti-smoking police. I understand that Emperor Carty and Lackey Grossman don’t believe this would be the result. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over, and expect different results.
Once the restaurants and bars have left the city, I suppose it will be a leaner Toledo – specifically the tax base.
Shameless Self-Promotion
Friday, March 2, 2007
Friday's Quote 3-2-07
- Thomas Sowell, American Economist
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Budget From the Blue Means More Green From You.
Well, Emperor Finkbeiner has released the portions of the 2007 budget, aka “Your Seized Money.” Some of the budget reduction ideas hold some merit, such as the shuttering of the pool system. Let’s face it, the system is underused, and overly expensive to maintain, staff, and insure. Personally, I have no problem with filling them with concrete, then painting them green to placate the environmentalists.
So, what I want to hear is, the sound of liberals screaming – this tax hits the poor far more than the rich. The poor create far more of the garbage being eliminated, that is the stuff that isn’t tossed into the streets by young hoodlums dealing drugs and shooting police officers. So, I suppose, being the evil conservative that I am, I should be in favor of this regressive tax. Sorry guys, as a true conservative, I’m against governmental taxation in as many forms as possible. Let’s try working the guys 8 hours a day (instead of the 6 they average), or better yet, open up the city contract for bids. Oh rats, I suppose we can’t privatize trash collection at the same time we’re trying to seize the ambulance business from private industry. My bad.
Right Wing Toledo
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Vox popula, vox Dei
A recent letter to the Blade on the topic of the smoking ban has managed to not raise the bar on the discussion yet again. In his letter, John L. considers neither property rights nor the rights of individuals to use a legal product. He even dismisses the questionable arguments against second-hand smoke. Instead, he asserts “what [smokers] fail to understand is that their behavior is offensive to most of us who do not smoke.” Indeed, as he finishes, “[t]he voters have spoken. We should all now work to eliminate smoke from all hotel rooms, apartment buildings, and condominiums.”
Right Wing Toledo
Friday, February 23, 2007
Friday's Quote 2-23-07
Orrin Hatch, US Senator
Products of the "Justice System"
What makes this even more upsetting is how it may have been prevented. The "alleged" shooter, Robert Jobe, at 15 years of age, has a rap sheet as long as my arm - including weapons charges and drug activity. Each time, he was not convicted of the felony charge, but let go with a stern warning to behave. Instead of time being locked up, he was placed in "drug court" with orders to report to the court each week - and I have not found evidence that he did so. I am relatively certain that his probation on the latest gun charge - which was reduced to a misdemeanor charge of carrying a concealed weapon - required him to attend school. Despite attending only 2 days in 2 weeks, he was "within a week" of being reported as truant. The electronic monitor he was supposed to be wearing apparently wasn't checked as well.
Throughout his run-ins with police, Jobe was given chance after chance, without real punishment, just the admonishment to shape up. Apparently, any real punishment was considered detrimental to his "self-esteem." So, he was allowed to continue in this lawless ways, until one of Toledo's finest came along. Now, Jobe faces the potential of trial as an adult, regrettably without the possibility of the death penalty. More likely, however, he will be tried as a juvenile, locked up until 21, and have his records sealed - so that when he commits another crime or kills someone, there can be no mention to the jury that the crime under consideration was not his first.
So, in some sense, the blame for Detective Dressel's death is not Jobe's alone. This does not absolve Jobe for his actions, he must pay the price for his actions. However, he had a wonderful cast of enablers along the way, his family, the court system for letting him go time and time again, his schools, the list goes on. I guess it does take a village to raise a killer.
So, to you screaming at your computer right now, I ask does the following make sense. A puppy relieves itself on your floor, and you pat it's head gently and tell it in a calm voice how it needs to go outside. Then, one day when it is an adult dog, and performs the same action - you shoot it in the head. If that doesn't make sense, perhaps we should take a closer look at how we treat those juveniles who break the law.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Detective Keith Dressel (1971-2007)
For what is good, and wrong and right.
Somebody didn't make it home today.
They leave their families, and their wives
Kiss the kids, and risk their lives
Somebody didn't make it home today,
They work each day, out on their own
But as of tonight, a new star has shone
Somebody didn't make it home today.
So with your family, shed a tear
Hold them close, it's what we fear
Somebody didn't make it home today.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Friday's Quote 2-16-07
- Thomas Jefferson
Monday, February 12, 2007
Goose Stepping to the Hospital
Waving the bloody shirt, the Governor declared that since hospitals receive over $1 million each year from the government, they need to be accountable to his office. What he failed to mention is that the vast majority of these dollars are spent not as a result of government grants, but through low-income health care spending, in programs such as Medicaid. While the dollars are indeed from the “government”, they are spent through choice by the consumer.
While I heartily applaud most attempts to streamline the costs of government, regulating what services hospitals can provide is not the way to go about it. Competition doesn’t raise the cost of services; it lowers it – outside of governmental interference. So, if your hospital wants to build a heart center, but Comrade Ted decides your immediate area doesn’t need one, you won’t get it. And, when that heart attack finally comes after you’ve received your tax bill, you’ll have to be carted by (Government) ambulance 90 miles away to get the treatment you need – if you’re still alive when you get there. Smaller communities won’t have hospitals that can cater to their needs, they’ll get stuck with “Doc in a Box” clinics – served by underpaid physicians who received their degree on-line. For any of you undergoing chemo – expect to get up earlier for a 2 hour drive to a hospital that can administer your treatment.
This argument isn’t about government spending, it’s about the government absorbing a large section of the private economy. Rather then telling the local hospitals what services they are allowed to provide and focusing on “preventative” medicine (look out McD's), lets save some money by not adding a whole new bureaucracy to the government. Comrade Ted, this sounds an awful lot like the Hillary-Care Express.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Friday, February 9, 2007
Friday's Quote 2-9-07
- John F. Kennedy
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Boy George, Pelosi One, and assorted fun
Wow! It was almost a whole month (and I’m still sure within 100 hours) before Nancy Pelosi abandoned her campaign on Congressional perks. It seems that the small plane used by Speaker Hastert simply isn’t up to snuff. Instead, the taxpayers should be expected to pony up a 757 aircraft, equipped for luxury travel: complete with bedroom, changing room, conference room, and high-tech communications gear, all because Ms. Pelosi doesn’t want to stop for fuel on occasion. The distance between her district and Washington is at the edge of the Gulfstream 3 previously assigned to the Speaker’s office. Or, perhaps, it is more that Ms. Pelosi would like to take family, supports, press, and all sorts of others for a free trip. In fact, ABC news reported that Pelosi specifically requested transport for supporters. Well, since the Speaker led the charge to ban travel on chartered jets for the masses of Congress for “ethics reasons”, I suppose one shouldn’t question her motives here. And the military best not, per John Murtha, or they might lose some funding. It’s almost like our Mayor appropriating cash to build a bike path near his home, or a personal shower … oh, never mind.
Some random musings on the passing scene:
Katie Couric has managed to drop to the bottom of the nightly news ratings. I suppose that perky might be OK over morning coffee, but not in the serious news of the evening.
I’m having a hard time with global warming, even with Al Gore’s comments about how threatened we are. I’m more threatened by frostbite. Yes, animals are dying – the reindeer in Sweden need emergency relief because they can’t find food through the ice.
Why is it liberals are so willing to believe that the government can do anything better than private business? Are you willing to trust your transportation to the hospital to the same people that brought you the DMV?
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Stoking the County Fires
So, in the words of all great governmental investigators: “Who Benefits?” Well, obviously the local economy would receive a “boost” as money was taken from the taxpayers’ hands and sunk into the new infrastructure. Furthermore, new positions to take care of the boiler system: a new governmental “power and heat generation” entity, complete with union labor, staff, and county engineers would be created. So, the size of government increases with a bunch of new patronage positions.
Another potential beneficiary is the local farmer – at least initially. The “green” aspect of this plan, with the ability to burn multiple fuels is supposed to be both a money saver and an environmental boon. At least, until you look at the requirements to burn multiple fuels both efficiently and environmentally clean. And don’t think for a moment that this will be a zero emissions plant – even with a “hidden” smokestack, the waste air (heat pollution as well as fossil fuel remnants to you eco-freaks) will be vented somewhere – and not too far away either. But, I suppose, we could send Jack Ford out on another tree-trimming mission to get some cheap fuel, or find that the emerald ash borer had moved to elm trees…
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Monday, February 5, 2007
Thanks Lisa Renee
Turning up the Heat...
I’m told that there is an art to cooking a frog. One can’t simply drop the frog into a pot of boiling water, as he’ll jump right out. Instead, one must put the frog in some lukewarm water, so he’s nice and comfy. “After all, it’s just water, right?” Then turn up the heat a bit at a time, so he has time to adjust. “Sure, the water’s warmer, but dang it, it’s just so comfy, and it can’t really hurt me.” Once the poor frog’s been in hot water for long enough, he’s too lethargic to jump out and he’s cooked.
Right Wing Toledo
Friday, February 2, 2007
Friday's Quote 2-2-07
William Vaughn (aka Burton Hillis), columnist.
I've never seen anything so hypocritical as a "Save the Environment" bumper sticker. Sell the car and buy a bike if you're so committed!
Right Wing Toledo, blogger.
A Friday Twin Spin for everyone!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Toledo Pride vs Taken for a Ride
Taken for a Ride: Having an inspector issue the citation in the first place, without explanation.
It seems to me that in an attempt to reconcile the city budget with the lack of city income, the Emperor has decided to increase the number of "tickets" handed out, not by the police, but by roving city inspectors. It also appears that only the districts of the city that are wealthy enough to pay said tickets are being targeted. Everything from sidewalks to early trash placement is available for revenue raising.
The Emperor calls this a part of raising "Toledo Pride" (as everyone driving up I-75 is reminded of). The program should be "Take 'em for a Ride." City inspectors are apparently entering the property of residents of the city (although I'm not sure if this particular one was given permission to enter), issuing citations for everything they can find, and leaving. Disagree with the citation, and of course you're able to appeal, for only $50. But, it's before someone paid by the city, and if they find you in the wrong, expect to get slapped with additional costs for their time as well as the original fine. Not exactly a petition for a redress of your wrongs, is it? Where else does the same entity (the City of Toledo) act as the police detective, prosecutor, judge, and jury (excepting the IRS, of course).
I suspect that this spring, I'll wake to find an inspector out measuring the length of my lawn, trying desperately to find a blade of grass 1mm over the limit. When it happens (or should any inspector be upon my soil, of which my taxes are dutifully paid on), expect the following to happen.
- Ask the inspector to leave my property at once, while filming his/her reactions.
- If the inspector refuses, demand to see warant for search of my home.
- Lawsuit in state court, demanding that "probable cause" be shown prior to admitting any evidence of supposed "ordnance violation." Suit to include damages, legal fees, and compensation for mental anguish suffered that made it impossible for me to get a restful sleep.
If the city has problems making it's budget, perhaps its time to take a look at what we're spending on (tree lights, bike paths, etc), and not institute more hidden taxes. That's all those fines are, so let's use the "T" word for a change. And, while we're at it, how about removing another "T" word that is still applied to a money scheme ... the "Temporary" 3/4% Income Tax.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Blockhead, I mean Ironhead...
As much as I'm against government subsidies, the grant money (both Federal and local) was in place, a company moved into Toledo, and was prepared to make a long-term commitment in a heavy-industry sector. I might even understand the "difficulties" in getting the $4 million from the US government, but there is no valid reason for Carty pulling the $1.5 million commitment (over 3 years). As far as I can see, the reason for doing so is that the Emperor didn't make the deal himself, so he couldn't take credit for it. After all, what's good for the community doesn't matter - it's all about the politics. It certainly wasn't money at the time he announced he wouldn't make good on the commitment, that was the time of the south end bike-path fiasco, and followed shortly by "Light up the Trees."
Carty has been railing against low-paying, service industry jobs as well as retail jobs at those companies he doesn't like (ie Wal-Mart and Costco). He is willing to bend over backwards, however, for the auto industry and union labor. So, what is so different about the Boilermakers?
The biggest asset Toledo has is it's location and geographic features. We've got rail, road, and air transport facilities, and perhaps the best harbor on the Great Lakes. We have to play the hand we're dealt, and I think Carty's willing to throw away two high pair. Quit playing politics over who gets credit, Mr. Mayor.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Friday's Quote 1-26-07
- Robert A. Heinlein, Author.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Friday's Quote 1-19-07
- Rush Limbaugh
Perhaps the ban on guns in public places makes more sense now.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Global Warming vs The First Amendment
Well, given that we were told of the "coming Ice Age" at the first Earth Day, I'm not so sure we can trust these climatologists. It is only the hubris to believe we have a complete understanding of something so complex as the Earth's climate, and all it's interactions (including the Sun, if I'm not mistaken.) I suppose it wouldn't look good on one's resume to have an article entitled "Earth's Climate - We've Got No Clue."
As a result, the so called "experts" will do as they always have done, working to ostracize those who disagree. After all, we know that the Earth is flat, the atom is indivisible, and Al Gore was really elected in Florida. So I suppose that the elimination of all competing theories is perfectly acceptable. Unless, of course, one has tenure - but more on that at a later date.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Carty Passes the First Amendment Torch
In launching his “progressive agenda” on the citizens of this country, Comrade Kucinich is attempting to do what Mayor Finkbeiner could not – namely stifle criticism. The “Fairness Doctrine” has often been referred to as the “Hush Rush” bill, designed to force radio stations to provide programming with a view opposite his, regardless of it’s economic viability. (Let’s face it, without sums of stolen cash, Air America would be on the rocks … oh, it is anyway?) This is smack in the face of the First Amendment. There is a Freedom of Speech, but not a Freedom to be Heard.
From my comfortable chair, I can hear the voices screaming “Hypocrite! You backed WSPD, but won’t guarantee Al Frankenstein the same thing.” Well, back to school. Let’s take a look at the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…
The WSDP issue was with the Freedom of the Press, “Hush Rush” smacks in the face of Freedom of Speech. And, if that isn’t enough, governmental press conferences are public affairs, taking place in public buildings, on ground owned by the “public” (via their government). Rush, or any talk show, is broadcast from a studio owned by a private company or corporation (even if publicly owned, the corporation is treated as a private individual.) When the government to dictate what a private owned business must broadcast (or speak, in real terms), it does break ranks with the Constitution.
And libs, would you let me apply this to television? There ought to be some programming showing family values, and showing the good news out of Iraq. What’s good for the microphone is good for the teleprompter.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Saturday, January 13, 2007
An Open Letter to Brian Schwartz
Mr. Schwartz,
Your statements give the impression that either you or the Mayor believe that Mr. Milikin cannot do two separate jobs. The way I see it is, during the newscasts, he acts as a reporter - and never during a newscast has he stated "I think..." During the Eye-on-Toledo segment, he acts as a commentator, like many journalists have done on both a local and national level.
If your objection is to WSPD's use of particular portions of the Mayor's words during news broadcasts (which is what department was being covered), please reference the fact that NO media outlet presents the Mayor's news conference in its entirety. The sound byte chosen may not be the Mayor's first choice, but these decisions are made by every news organization separately (ask the President how he feels about it). Since the sound byte is here to stay, perhaps it is the Mayor's best interest to pay more attention to what he says, not to dictate to any media outlet what they can and cannot report (even if it is for the "self-esteem" of the city.)
Now, what this whole mess seems to resolve around is the Mayor's issue with WSPD "barking up a tree" he doesn’t want barked at. Specifically, the bike path and his issue with the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office. I find that the issue of WSPD is that in both occasions, the Mayor may have given the appearance of using his official position for personal gain. Mind you, I do not say that this was his intent, but it certainly appears that way. The bike path was pushed through with little time for determining community support or objections, in an area that would be convenient for his personal use. By invoking his title either verbally or in writing at the jail, the Mayor appears to have sought to curry special favor. I would ask the Ottawa County Sheriff to produce the letter he received from the Mayor, to determine it's exact wording and if or not it was printed on city stationary. (This would be an excellent Freedom of Information Act request - that letter is public record.)
In the interest of fairness, I invite the Mayor for a short-format interview to answer questions regarding this, just as the Program Director of WSPD consented to do, at his earliest convenience.
Right Wing Toledo
Friday, January 12, 2007
Friday's Quote 1-12-07
Edward T. Sanford, US Supreme Court Justice
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Q&A with Brian Wilson
Right Wing Toledo: Before we begin Brian, I should let you know that I don't agree with you on everything, but what a horrible world it would be if everyone thought the same - I call it political correctness.
Brian Wilson: Could be. I call it Common Sense. There is no obligation - or expectation - that everyone will agree with everything on anything, specifically (in this case) on Talk radio. It's the interchange, the dialogue, the compare-and-contrast of spontaneous public debate that makes the format compelling, entertaining and informative. Obviously, some take the liberty and opportunity beyond the boundaries of civility for their own needs; a sad by unavoidable reality.
RWT: The actions of the Mayor of Toledo are clearly in violation of the First Amendment. Are you surprised by the actions of the Blade and other news outlets in the city for not supporting your reporter in the resulting actions Tuesday?
BW: Nope. The Blade is the puppeteer pulling the strings of Toledo government - and has been for a long time. How and precisely when that happened has yet to be covered in my Toledo History 101 class. But the Blade, as an evil, malicious manipulative force within Toledo is beyond question. For the Blade to have taken a principled stand for the First and against its chosen stooge is hardly "surprising". Still, "Hope springs eternal" when if comes to bedrock issues like the defense of the First Amendment. All the Blade's actions (or lack thereof) proves is Block Family values.
The sterilized, dutiful "reporting" by the TV outlets is more depressing. While I recognize they are not specifically in the "Opinion" biz, there is still nothing stopping any/all of them from behaving properly and on principle. Today (Wed), they all had the Golden Opportunity to tell the Mayor, " We won't indulge your "news conference" if you are going to force WSPD to leave.." And see what happens. But, of course, they didn't.
RTW: Given the Mayor's stance on the Second Amendment (in relation to a gun ban in city parks), are you really surprised that he would blatantly violate the first?
BW: Not at all. What's surprising is the "blatantly" part. I've never worked in a market this small and maybe that's a larger part of the explanation. This dude would be toast virtually everywhere else I've lived.
RWT: The Mayor said that you make his administration, and the city "look like losers." Is the function of the press to make an administration look good? And, is the Mayor's job to look after the "self-esteem" of the city?
BW: The function of the Press is to report the facts. Period. Who, What, When, Where, How and sometimes Why. The News Dept is to be factual and ethical - and they have codes to which they voluntarily subscribe to do so. The RTNDA (Radio -Television News Directors Assoc) is the professional organization which oversees the activities of broadcast news operations. Cassie Wilson, CC Dir. of News Operations is a member and contributing author.
The "Self-esteem of the city" is indeed the Mayor's job - if you allow it. And if it means micro-managing news stories and reporters to assure the "right" stories get printed, then the lovers of tyranny who allowed the Mayor to watch over their self-esteem will receive what they so richly deserve. Unfortunately, those of us who don't deserve it will be forced to suffer along. Or leave.
RTW: Would you consider the violation of the First Amendment cause for impeachment of a sitting Mayor? If not, is it cause for a recall election to put the issue to the voters?
BW: Of course. Both, if one doesn't work effectively. To quote my favorite part of the Declaration of Independence:
" That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."
Governments are put in place by the governed to secure our rights. Not define them, grant them, interpret them, modify them. Using the force of government to violate an inalienable right should do nothing less than forfeit the election of that individual by whatever means necessary - or you must acknowledge the Oath of Office is meaningless and unenforceable.
RWT: Brian, thank you for your time and answering the questions here. I think that it is important for both sides of the story to be told, and it seems we're not getting both of them from the mainstream media - excepting WSPD.
BW: Thanks for the opportunity to speak on Liberty and Freedom. Hopefully, the reader will be moved sufficiently to take whatever actions necessary to preserve our rights in an area and under an administration run by someone, regardless of his strengths and weaknesses, who has demonstrated he is an enemy of Freedom with total disregard for fact and truth, void of civility, decency and honesty. Then again, maybe the reader prefers a cheerleading dictator?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
And the Blade Weighs In
The fact of a physical confrontation at a public event is indisputable this time, "As Mayoral spokesman Brian Schwartz attempted to hold the door closed..." So, a public official attempted to physically detain a credentialed member of the press (for the second day in a row), from attending a public press conference. According to the Mayor's faithful pup, Brian Schwartz, "he denied the journalist access because Mr. Milliken had not been acting in an objective manner in his dealings with the mayor's office." At last check, the words "objective manner" appear nowhere in the First Amendment. If the Mayor has such a problem with Mr. Milikin, lobby to have his press pass removed. Until then, you must admit him.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Objectivity, Home Rule, and Secret Police.
I suppose that the “home rule” that Toledo enjoys under Emperor Finkbeiner extends not only to the State Constitution, but to the US Constitution as well. I was unaware that the city charter gave out such power.
In other news, the Toledo version of Pravda reported that the Emperor issued an edict to all of his subjects to report, via his secret police line, any city workers caught taking a break. Now, do I believe that city workers slack off on the job? Yes, I’ve seen 15 minute breaks extend into an hour or more. Should they be punished? Yes, but the investigation needs to come from the city, not the public at large. The only thing this will result in is more time spent in management/union grievance committees, all being paid from the taxpayers’ pockets.
The only person from the Blade to report on the Mayor’s return to “good ole Carty” was (gulp) Roberta deBoer. I find it a sign that the apocalypse is close when I’m in agreement with her. She came to the table a bit late, but let’s welcome her. After all, Carty wasn’t being Carty over COSTCO, the bike path, feuding with WSPD, etc. All that was missing was for him to declare a housing development for the blind by the lighthouse.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
The Emperor Strikes Back
One wonders, will the Blade report this behavior by their beloved Mayor? Or, does the "civility" they demand of Ken Blackwell on this very day not apply to Finkbeiner. For once, I eagerly await tomorrow's edition - it may even be read before being relegated to puppy duty.
Margaritas ante Porcos (and the parties have never been clearer),
Right Wing Toledo
Double Standards in Reporting
In fact, Mr. Blackwell had no obligation to open his doors and allow the incoming administration full access. The work of the state needed to continue, and those who were told their jobs were being eliminated were placed in a position of needing to find other jobs over the holidays. Instead, the newspaper seems intent on bashing the former Attorney General, so that this may be muckraked out again should he run for office down the road.
But, I suppose, that destroying furniture (by placing bumper stickers on them) and computer keyboards is OK, as long as it's done by the Dems. Not opening your case files with confidential information, and compromising information concerning ongoing cases is not, if you happen to have an (R) behind your name.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo
Friday, January 5, 2007
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Bringing out the crystal ball for 2007.
- Unemployment in Ohio will rise above 6%, and quite possibly 7%. Between the new minimum wage, and the Dems running the state, this will be unavoidable.
- There will be no border fence with Mexico. Mistress Nancy has to curry favor with her base, and the illegal immigrant lobby still has sway in the party of the left.
- Hillary will wait as long as possible before announcing her candidacy for President. Not only to amass a war chest, but to keep the media focus on herself and away from darlings like Obama.
- No ground will be broken on a new arena, despite raising the hotel tax. Instead, expect another study. In the meantime, one wonders if Perrysburg will attempt another project, perhaps “Bass Pro Arena?”
- Carty and City Council will institute fees on garbage pickup, raise fees on police and fire responding to accidents, and not repeal the “temporary” 3/4% income tax designed to pay for those services.
- The Mayor will attempt to create at least one new bike path under the media’s radar, despite the deficit the city will be running under.
- The Erie Street Market will remain closed for “renovations,” unless by some miracle it is sold to a private developer.
- The Steam Plant project will show no visible signs of progress, and be steadfastly ignored by the Blade. Expect a dissolution of the David Ball/Jim Jackson development corporation, and the monies paid to have disappeared.
- Southwyck will remain a standard bearer on
- Word will begin to get out that the Toledo Public Schools’ building project is massively over budget. Blame will be assigned to thieves stealing copper pipes and wire, rather than the mismanagement. Paying for the cost overruns will be assigned to Toledo taxpayers.
- A bitter labor dispute at “One of America’s Great Newspapers” will drag on for several months. The workers will be reinstated to their jobs, but no resolution will be achieved. The resulting strike may finish the newspaper off. Good riddance.
As always, these predictions are not offers to sell, buy, or barter. If you base your future, financial plans, or life’s happiness on this column, you deserve what you get.
Margaritas ante Porcos,
Right Wing Toledo